Hello, I am

Ayush Kumar

Frond end Designer | Developer

Who am I ?

A Web Designer / Developer Located In Our Lovely Earth

A web designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or web pages. Unlike web developers, who specialise in creating new websites' structures and the code that forms these, web designers tend to focus on the visual aspects of a site, such as its layout and its usability.

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 21/11/2003
  • Email : ay21112003@gmail.com
  • Instagram : ayush_yadav_737
  • Phone : +91 7376468331
  • Address : Merry city school Near B.H.U, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

My Expertise

Graphic Design

Plans and illustrates concepts by designing rough layouts of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetics

Web Development

A Web Developer is a professional who is responsible for the design and construction of websites.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketers create comprehensive marketing strategies that align with the organization's overall goals.

My Resume


2023 - Present

FullStack Developer

A full-stack developer with two years of professional experience specializing in web development, project management, Agile methodology, and quality assurance testing.

2021 - 2022

Front-end Developer

showcase experience and accomplishments in developing user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other related technologies

2020 - 2021

Graphic Designer

Responsible for concept, design and production of innovative, high quality print and digital artwork, including logos, advertisements, brochures and websites.


2023 - Present

Bachelor of Computer Applications.

Bachelor in Computer Application,is a three-year undergraduate program. An emphasis on fields associated with computer applications and technology.

2019 - 2021

High Secondary Degree

8.1 CGPA.

From: Kendriya Vidyalaya.

2017 - 2019

High School Degree

8.2 CGPA.

From: Kendriya Vidyalaya.


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Hours Worked


Project Finished


Happy Clients


Coffee Drinked

My Services

Software Developer.

Software developers design, program, build, deploy and maintain software using many different skills and tools. They also help build software systems that power networks and devices and ensure that those systems remain functional.

Web Design.

A web designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or web pages. Unlike web developers, who specialise in creating new websites' structures and the code that forms these, web designers tend to focus on the visual aspects of a site, such as its layout.

Web Developer.

A Web Developer is a professional who is responsible for the design and construction of websites. They ensure that sites meet user expectations by ensuring they look good, run smoothly and offer easy access points with no loading issues between pages or error messages.

Data Base Administrator.

Database administrators are responsible for managing access to systems that store company information. Database administrators (also known as database managers) take care of company databases so that information is stored securely and only available to authorised people.

Graphic Design.

Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines.

Data Analytics.

A data analyst collects, cleans, and interprets data sets in order to answer a question or solve a problem. They work in many industries, including business, finance, criminal justice, science, medicine, and government. What kind of customers should a business target in its next ad.

Send a message

Get in touch

Phone :
+91 7376468331
Address : Merry city school Near B.H.U, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Email :